These savory-sweet shrimp skewers are easy to make and cook in just a few minutes. They are perfect for summer weeknights or weekend dinner parties. Prep the sauce ahead of time for an even faster dinner....
Whether it's chicken Alfredo or fettuccine Alfredo, the Alfredo sauce has always had my heart. This is a simple and basic recipe for Italian starters. Enjoy!
This pizza sauce is made from fresh tomatoes and is packed with lots of flavor! The sauce will last up to 7 days in the refrigerator. You can also freeze it for future use.
This peanut sauce is very flavorful, with lemon, ginger, and quite a bit of heat. It's good with satays, stir-frys, rice bowls, or good as a dip. Don't be afraid to add more or less of the spices, just...
This recipe is quick and easy. Only have to simmer for 30 minutes! It started as a very saucy Coney Island hot dog sauce. I prefer a meatier chili sauce, but if you prefer it saucy with less meat, reduce...
This sauce is a wonderful concoction that complements bread pudding, cheesecake, or pancakes on Sundays. The taste of brown sugar in a sauce form is irresistible.
Quick and easy hollandaise sauce. Makes enough for 2 servings of eggs benedict or asparagus. I've tried several ways to make hollandaise sauce; this method works every time and is very quick. My kids love...
A complex fruity hot sauce highlighting the superb pairing of the Caribbean habanero alongside the wonderful succulent flavors of the mango. This recipe is not for the faint at heart; it has a very sweet...
After a mad search on the net for a recipe for this sauce I had to create my own. This can be reheated in the microwave without the usual cream sauce defects. I just love the light green color and how...
This cherry ham glaze give any ham a delicious, sweet, and slightly tart taste. I glazed a ham for Thanksgiving with this, and my company couldn't get enough of it. I was out of ham by the next day!
This is not the EXACT recipe. However, it is hard to tell the difference in taste! Adjust the ratios to make the spice and/or consistency to what your taste buds prefer. Great for BBQ, drizzled on shrimp...
My take on the Ponchartrain sauce served at a popular seafood restaurant chain in my town. Although I prefer Snapper, it may be ladled over any grilled, blackened, steamed, or pan fried fish. Very elegant...
This type of sauce is popular in North Carolina. You can use this sauce as a basting sauce, or just mix it into your cooked meat when you are ready to eat.
This recipe makes a wonderful chili sauce for hot dogs. Just place a grilled hot dog in a bun and top with chili, grated Cheddar cheese, and diced onions. Serve immediately. If halving this recipe, cover...
A hot-sweet sauce that is good on just about anything. You can use any kind of cola in this recipe, just don't use diet cola. It makes the sauce bitter.
Also called Nitsume, Unagi or Kabayaki. It is a sweet and salty sauce that goes great over grilled fish or chicken and is a common drizzle over sushi. Traditionally it is used on Japanese grilled eel and...
It's time to give back to the Allrecipes community for all they have given to me. This recipe is the culmination of learning how to make BBQ ribs for competition, plus learning from my family members who...
This is really delicious on its own, but I use it mainly to serve alongside brownies, bread pudding, apple pie, berries, or poached pears. You can either make this as a thicker cream or as a sauce. I love...
This is a variation on classic, fresh Ocean Spray® cranberry sauce! My grandma has made it for years and people who don't like cranberry sauce request that I make this at our events! It's different and...
A wonderful versatile Latin sauce originating in Spain with amazing flavors. It can be served with grilled chicken, fish and seafood, as a sauce for pasta, or alone as a dip. Once you try this, you will...
These ribs start from a frozen state, so dinner can be made without planning ahead. Each rib portion should have 3 to 4 ribs. I use a spice called "Red Rocks Hickory Smoke Seasoning" from Savory Spice...